Kindness Cup

Encouraging, rewarding and fostering kindness in tamariki and schools across Aoteaora.

Children learn to be kind to the people around them and their surroundings. Developing the ability to be kind and empathetic is a skill we want children to practice so it becomes natural behaviour as an adult.

We also know not every child in the school environment has the ability or resources to be an academic, an athlete or hold talents in music or art, so we encourage, reward and foster kindness, which everyone can participate in! 

How it works:

Each school is given a beautiful trophy, certificates and LEGO to award to a child who has shown kindness, empathy, care or service to people or the planet. The children are presented with the trophy, certificates and LEGO at assemblies in front of their peers. Three children are chosen by their school each term.

By acknowledging kindness, we are also fostering a conversation within school communities about what matters, and that kindness is worth celebrating and encouraging.

Having the Kindness Cup available to all children, means we can create more opportunities for every child to show kindness in the playground and at home.

The Kindness Cup is made possible and generously supported by The LEGO Foundation and schools on the programme join our LEGO community, giving them access to bricks, sets, resources and activities each year.

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"The kudos that goes with being a Kindness Cup recipient makes it a huge incentive for our children to emulate our core values and respect".
Waikowhai Primary School
"Since the introduction of the Kindness Cup we’ve noticed parents’ involvement in praising manaakitanga".
Rosebank School
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